Traditional sourdough baking - Theory and practice
A course that's just as suitable for bakers as it is for beginners!
Is this training for me?
This training can be financed for French residents. Don't hesitate to contact us to learn more.
You are interested in organic baking with natural sourdough
You need concrete information to consider a possible change of career
You want to experience baking in a professional environment
You're already a professional baker
You have learned by mimicry and repetition, with no theoretical basis
You want to develop your sourdough bread production
You want to structure your theoretical knowledge
What you need to know about this course
L'école internationale de boulangerie is the fruit of more than twenty years' expertise in the bakery industry
During this week, you'll discover the theoretical and practical foundations you need to understand natural sourdough bread-making.
Designed to explore your desire to change careers, it will allow you to experience the working conditions of bakers.
Practical classes alternate between demonstrations, rehearsals and semi-freestyle production to give you a good grasp of the different techniques.
This training immerses you in the world of professional baking.
The opinion of over 1,000 people trained since 2007
The dates of our next training courses (in French)
This course takes place over one week, with a total of 40 hours of training.
It is possible to register for the course up until the last working day before the start of the course, subject to places being available.
Enrolment requests are processed in the chronological order of receipt of complete applications. Since registration is only effective and recorded after a 10-day withdrawal period and the payment of the deposit, it is possible that the counter still shows available places while the school is already processing ongoing applications. Therefore, the submission of your complete application does not guarantee your registration in any case, as it will only be effective after confirmation from the secretariat.
The dates of our next training course (in English)
Sorry ! no English training scheduled in 2025.
And more specifically, what is included in this training?
A comprehensive week-long course combining theory and practice.
- 8 hours Bread-making theory
- 32 hoursBread-making practice
- Opportunity to ask entrepreneurial questions
Bread-making theory
Organisation of production
Work in a bakery laboratory
Making "pain de campagne" (several techniques)
On the last day
Opportunity to test your own sourdough and flours (sticking to the recipes seen during the course)
Recipe book
Sample production spreadsheets
The detailed program
A patient and competent educational team to support you throughout your training course.
- Module 1
Bread-making theory
Objective: Understanding the bread-making process
At the end of this module, you will be able to:
Know the roles of the different elements involved in bread-making (water, starch, gluten, pentosan, enzymes, salt, ferments) and understand how they interact.
Understand a recipe (vocabulary, production diagram)
- Module 2
Making traditional sourdough breads
Objective: To make farmhouse bread using different processes.
At the end of this module, you will be able to :
Master the basics of natural sourdough baking techniques: mechanical and manual kneading; turning, dividing, shaping, placing in moulds, inclusions, topping; preparation on a loading conveyor belt and scarifying the loaves.
Know the principles of baking (baking time, drying)
- Module 3
Organisational information
Objective: Organising your production
Organisation of your bread production
Depending on the needs of the trainees, time can be devoted to questions about entrepreneurship
At least 18 years of age
Correct use of written and spoken English
Mastery of basic calculation rules (proportionality, etc.)
Satisfaction rate for the training "Traditional sourdough - Theory and Practice"
148 responses (2021 through to 2023)
Satisfaction rates regarding the quality of practical and theoretical teaching on natural sourdough bread-making.
Satisfaction rates regarding the quality of entrepreunarial information available during our trainings.
Regarding the facilities at the training center.
Financing by France Travail (formerly Pôle Emploi), VIVEA, OPCO EP, FAFCEA, AGEFICE, OCAPIAT possible for French residents
40 hours of training
Access to expertise developed over many years in natural sourdough bread-making
Access to the International Bakery School network (professionals, companies specialising in bakery equipment, trainees, etc.)

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